space. the final frontier.

A: little Annie Fannie Peep print S/N

Artist:    |   Price: 150

A: Harvey Kurtzman MAD cover print S/N

Artist:    |   Price: 200

A: Bernie Wrightson A Look Back S/N print

Artist:    |   Price: 350

A: Jack Davis MAD 2 S/N print

Artist:    |   Price: 150

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COMIC Artists

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Welcome to RGLART.COM

I’ve been collecting Comic Art for twenty years.  I also founded and manage Comicart-L on Yahoogroups, the oldest Comic Art discussion forum on the Internet!  On this website, I hope you’ll find a grail or two to take home!  I’m always willing to consider trade.  My primary interests are Silver and Golden Age DC, but I’ll consider all good material.  Time payments can be arranged with a non refundable deposit.

R. Gary Land

Enter the Devil's Doorway to see the private reserve stock... beware though... to walk out with anything may cost you your soul!

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